What to Do When Life Gets Too Overwhelming

Hunched over, your head drops down, focusing your glare into the floor. What now? Why do I bother? That gym workout isn't happening today. That block of chocolate isn't that big, I'll give it a go. What's faster a rabbit or a hamster? I'll Google it.

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Everyone goes through a time when it all gets a bit too much, entrepreneurs even more so. Its the life of uncertainty and challenge which gets us excited to wake up every morning but they are the exact same reasons that makes us wonder whether it's worth continuing. The high and lows of an entrepreneurs life is the definition of contrast, an absolute canyon, an unfathomable warp of time and space from the highs to the lows. It's a wild ride that works your emotions and nerve like nothing else and as quickly as you shout for joy it can break you, then hit you while your down, several times.

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So what do you do when the times are really tough and your body and mind goes into shut down mode? First, you must realise and probably already know, that everyone goes through this. A great inspirational video and article is on Neil Patel's blog. I'd love to say there is an answer but it's not that easy, however I will discuss a process based on what works for me and hopefully it may see you through a few more days and help you work through your rough patch. You never know, it may be just enough time for the cycle to start getting things flowing back your way.

Act Negative - What? Yes really, act negative. Take yourself down. There is no point being in a half-hearted mindset. If your stuck feeling 50% and it's been like that for a while it's very hard to rocket up to 80-90% in no time. It's all about momentum. Your stuck in the middle of a hill and that up hill battle is just too steep to gain momentum if your starting from a standstill. You need a running start. Think of it as if you were riding a bike and you see a large hill up ahead. The best way to tackle it is you gather up speed before the hill starts and then ride your momentum up the hill. If you stuck at 50% it's like getting halfway up the hill, stopping, then trying to get up the rest of the way from standstill. It's too hard and long of a slog. So when I say act negative what I mean is bring yourself down a bit, to about a nice flat 20%.

How do you bring yourself down to a 20%? Stop your half hearted work. Stop writing another boring blog post. Take a day off and spend it in bed. Don't shave. Stay in your pyjamas. Don't do your hair. Sleep in. Don't go to the gym. Eat McDonald's three times in the day. Drink normal Coke (non-diet Coke - imagine!!). Have carbs at night. Just for a day or two.

It's possible that you may be thinking that this is the worst advice ever but what your trying to do by acting negative is consciously and deliberately bring yourself down to a 20%. This is the nice flat section your on before the climb up the hill. Now once your in a pretty downtrodden state set yourself a day when you will charge up that hill and get ready to gather momentum.

How do you gain your momentum? Wake up early. Get some sun (Vitamin D - feels good). Go for a run. Take the dog for a walk. Drink Water. Get a hair-cut. Shave. Dress beautifully. Eat great food. Start Fresh.

The aim here is to do many positive things and build your momentum up. Think of each positive activity as a +1 and the more your do, the more momentum you will gather to break you past that 50% you were stuck in for so long. Then once you get back to your work the momentum will help get you past your boring stalemate. Ideas will come rushing and the energy and drive will flow easier as long as you maintain and use your momentum.

Notice I never state to think negatively. Thinking negative is the root to gaining momentum in the other direction, getting you from 50% down to 10% in no time. Negative thoughts are carcinogenic. Negative thoughts fester, multiply and embed themselves deep and are difficult to overcome. Bringing yourself down should not involve negative thoughts in any way. If you start thinking negative openly tell yourself positive things and if that doesn't work, watch Seinfeld.

This is not something I recommend every time something goes wrong, that would be ridiculous but rather something that can be used to target a period of frustration and seemingly nothingness. Usually it's a matter of sucking it up and charging forward but sometimes that just won't work and may even lead to more minor failures resulting in further negative momentum. Acting negative and doing it superficially can be used in order to give yourself an opportunity to build momentum and break through the ceiling that at one stage made you wonder whether it was all just a bit too much.

What to Do When Life Gets Too Overwhelming
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